Monday, April 7, 2008

The magic of Web 2.0!

What is this Web 2.0 and why is this term everywhere?

In a nutshell, what happens in Web 2.0 is users participate in the activity of sharing what they know

  • This enhances each other’s knowledge.
  • Improves the degree of access a user has to information
  • Improves continuously, the quality of the information a user is seeking from time to time.
  • Connects people faster than ever before.
  • Brings together people with like-minded interests and ideas again faster than ever before.

Where is it more comfortable to do this than on the Internet? With mobile internet access speeds reaching broadband, the Internet fast evolved as a platform for web 2.0. Ease of use became central to all this ‘coz otherwise you cannot get users to participate; you have one site but you can login with any of your existing webmail login credentials; you have one site where you can network with both friends and business allies; you have one site where you can now do literally every activity of interest to you.

The early birds have more number of users, while sites that started late have more number of features.

The term Web 2.0 is attributed to any present day trend which enables some or all of the above things to happen.

Information sharing websites like Wikipedia, Social Networking websites like Orkut, Facebook, Hi5, etc are web 2.0.

If you have a webcam in which you shoot an event, post it on the net all while you are on the fly, that’s web 2.0 alright.

So, do you have a product for which you can say, “Wow! How very web 2.0!”

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